Monday, September 14, 2009

Sketch Series 1

Jackson Library: UNCG: 4th floor
Week 2: September 14, 2009
approx. 1:00 p.m.

[Observations of Space]
-more light appears to be coming in on the right side instead of entering at equal amounts on both sides
-the shadows on the right side are more harsh and defined
-the shadows on the left are softer and seem to fade into the color of the floor
-it is way too hot to sit on the right side (which is where my viewpoint is)
-creates too much of a glare on my paper
-very uncomfortable
-explains why no one was sitting here already
-the area around the windows is way too bright so my eyes had to adjust to looking at the other side of room which is darker because there is no daylight
-approximately two people were sitting on the side with the windows and five people sitting on the side with only electric lights
-after thirty minutes the sun had moved behind my viewpoint and cooled down the space some

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